How to get Pregnant Naturally in case of PCO & Low Sperm-Motility?

pregnant woman original canvas paint
  • You’ve had the baby talk with your partner.
  • You’ve pictured yourself waddling in maternity clothes.
  • You’ve even picked the colour you’re going to paint the nursery.

But bringing a baby into your life requires ample preparation and is not as simple as most people assume it is. Your biological clock ticking away and you know this is what you want more than anything else.

[Note: Me & my husband worked hard to extend our family. I had PCO before & after marriage and lately my hubby had low sperm-motility issues when he was perfectly fine otherwise]

You’re mentally ready and so is your body. Unfortunately for a lot of people getting pregnant is not as easy as people think it can be. Many times conception could take up to several months or years of trial.

There are several life factors that can affect female fertility. You may rush into the decision and get flustered when things aren’t going according to plan. Use the following steps as broad guidelines on how to become pregnant naturally.

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    Eat healthy:

    Diet plays a huge role in helping you get pregnant. Any woman trying to get pregnant needs at least 400 mgs of folic acid in their diet. Folic acid supports neural tube growth and prevents diseases such as cancer, heart attack, diabetes and even stroke.

    Pregnancy, the most beautiful phase of woman's life

    Giving your body the proper nutrients it needs like fresh foods – fruits, vegetables and whole grains can increase your fertility chances. (after getting pregant my doctor prescribed me folic acid & calcium supplement)

    Vitamins E, C, Zinc and Folic acid also aid the production of healthy sperm. So make sure you and your partner get ample fruits, vegetables, green leafies and whole grains in your diet. Eating junk food with sugars, additives and preservatives won’t help you at all.

    A protein rich diet highly enhances fertility in both men and women.

    Things to Avoid

    If you’re a smoker, before you ask how to get pregnant, you should be asking how to kick the habit. From causing vaginal dryness, disease in the fallopian tubes to reducing oestrogen levels and destroying eggs in the ovary. Anyone trying to get pregnant must avoid smoking like the plague.

    Alcohol isn’t bad in small quantities, it’s better to avoid it thoroughly during pregnancy. Iit is difficult to gauge how much is too much. Some of the effects of alcohol on pregnancy include impaired foetal development, absence of menses, lack of ovulation and spontaneous abortion. If you can’t do without your caffeine, try to limit it too once a day.

    Raw or semi-cooked fish and meat are also a no-no if you’re trying to become pregnant. Sometimes, you may be pregnant and not realize it and the bacteria contained in foods such as Sushi, is known to affect the foetus.

    Studies have shown that consumption of alcohol and caffeine, smoking, and recreational drug use can contribute to infertility.

    Reducing Stress:

    One major tip that many woman take for granted is learning how to relax and reduce stress. On top of the daily stress from work and family couples put more pressure on themselves and become very frustrated because they are not able to conceive as quickly as planned.

    Stress and depression can take a toll on a woman’s body and decrease her fertilility. To manage stress first you have to identify source of it. And then be able to deal with them by learning to breathe properly can relieve stress and tension and help your chances in getting pregnant.

    Time your intercourse:

    The 14th day method isn’t recommended unless you have a textbook style 28-day cycle. The idea is to plan sex for a couple of days prior to ovulation. Doctors normally advise 3 days of continues intercourse to have higher success of getting pregnant.

    During ovulation period have intercourse for minimum 3 days continuously.
    During ovulation period have intercourse for minimum 3 days continuously.

    If you want to know how to get pregnant by getting your exact ovulation dates, you may purchase one of those ovulation predictor kits. If you prefer to just pay close attention to your body however, there are signs all over the place.

    You may chart your basal body temperature with the help of a basal thermometer, first thing in the morning. Do this for about three months. When ovulation occurs, your body temperature will rise to about a degree higher. So over the next few months, you will be able to predict ovulation and time intercourse for about 2 or 3 days earlier.

    You may also track changes in your cervical mucous. Cervical mucous changes in appearance throughout your cycle. But when it gets transparent and stretchy, resembling raw egg whites, you are supposed to be most fertile to become pregnant.

    Rest & Exercise:

    Plain and simple your body needs at least 8 hours of good quality sleep to improve your chances of getting pregnant, let alone function properly throughout your busy day.

    Lose Some Weight & Exercise Regularly:

    Since obesity can affect fertility and pregnancy, getting and staying fit is an important factor affecting the chance of getting pregnant. Walking every day is one of the best exercises. You can use Trimtone to lose 10 pounds quickly.

    Staying physically fit is an important factor for those who are looking to become pregnant.

    Staying physically fit is an important factor for those who are looking to become pregnant. Obesity can affect fertility and pregnancy. The good news is that there are plenty of easy, low impact exercises that can help maintain or improve fitness levels.

    Walking is one of the best exercises for those who are trying to conceive, as it is low-impact, accessible to most people, and does not require any special equipment or a gym membership. Going for a 30-minute walk each day is a great way to stay fit and healthy during the pre-conception period.

    Additionally, engaging in other forms of light exercise, such as swimming or cycling, can help improve overall physical health, which can positively impact fertility.

    Exercising will help you relieve stress and when you become pregnant, the more fit you are, the easier your pregnancy and delivery may be.

    Weight management is crucial during pregnancy to avoid post pregnancy complications.

    Sexual Positions & Orgasm:

    This is last point because it’s least important! Sexual positions aren’t a guarantee that you will get pregnant, but some positions are a better bet than others.

    Good positions are the classic missionary position, doggie style and lying side-by-side during intercourse. It ensures that the sperm gets deposited closest to the cervix and are therefore, more conducive for pregnancy.

    The best sex position to get pregnant naturally. This modified missionary position allows deeper penetration & sperm deposit closer to cervix. So, even if sperm motility is low there is higher chance of it meeting egg. Rest your legs on your man's shoulder. Keep a pillow under your hip and stay connected for few minutes after his ejaculation.
    This modified missionary position allows deeper penetration & sperm deposit closer to cervix. So, even if sperm motility is low there is higher chance of it meeting egg. Rest your legs on your man’s shoulder. Keep a pillow under your hip and stay connected for few minutes after his ejaculation.

    With that said, there are a few positions you might want to avoid if you want to know how to get pregnant with the best sexual positions.

    Don’t have sex standing up, sitting down or with the woman on top (cowgirl). The positions defy gravity and therefore, work against the sperm being deposited in the cervix.

    So make sure you stick to one or even all of the positions on the list and don’t forget to enjoy it. Relax and have fun. The classic man-op-top itself is the best sexual position to get pregnant.


    Technically female orgasm isn’t necessary for conception to take place. However, few studies prove that women who have orgasms and enjoy sex, are more likely to get pregnant.

    women who have orgasms and enjoy sex, are more likely to get pregnant.


    This is because massive muscular contractions take place during vaginal orgasm. So the contraction pushes the sperm on their way up to the cervix. So, a deeper penetration and an orgasm is also important especially if your hubby’s sperm motility is low. Besides, the least an orgasm can do is put a smile on your face & great night sleep!

    In some fertility doctors advise reaching orgasm by clitoral stimulation while doing artificial insemination (IUF)

    “The rhythmic contractions of an orgasm felt in the vagina, uterus, anus, and pelvic floor can help propel sperm up into the uterus and fallopian tubes, increasing the chances of becoming pregnant,” says Sherry Ross, MD, an ob-gyn and author of She-ology: The Definitive Guide to Women’s Intimate Health.

    I got many advises from everyone around me when I was struggling to get pregnant. One noteworthy tip is; man should not pull out immediately after ejaculation. This is to prevent sperm backflow through vagina. So, stay connected after intercourse & don’t rush to pee!


    No one can give you a sure-fire method or tell you how to get pregnant. Following these steps however, may greatly increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally.

    So make sure to go through this website regularly to find the information, tips and advice.

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